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The Disappearing Seat


 NEW RELEASE:  Book 2 in the Elita Brown series by Greystone Friend Heather Holloman!  In The Disappearing Seat, Elita discovers the secret to savoring the good gifts all around her. Through the wisdom revealed in nature and a loving spiritual mentor, Elita learns what it means to have access to the riches of God's kingdom and how to enjoy the beautiful life God has given her. Readers will delight in what they learn about the bears, owls, and the frozen vernal ponds in the Pennsylvania forest (which all become symbols of Elita's spiritual growth). With great discussion questions included, this book helps young readers on their journey with Jesus.  Pair with This Seat's Saved - Book 1 in the Elita Brown series!

  • Details

    December normally brings joy to Elita Brown's heart with the coziness of winter and the anticipation of Christmas. But when Elita compares her life to others, her best friends seem to have it so much better. Margo hosts a fancy holiday dinner party; Joy discovers a hibernating bear on her family's property, and Stephen shares his love of football with Joy. Even her little sister Cally has a seemingly perfect life with a special role in The Nutcracker. Every day, Elita grows more and more jealous.

    To make matters worse, the principal of Siler Middle School insists on a school-wide speech competition. Can Elita get over her fear of public speaking? How can her jealous heart heal? And where is her mentor Mrs. Burgley when she needs her most of all?

    DR. HEATHER HOLLEMAN is an associate teaching professor of advanced writing at Penn State, speaker, and author. She has written ten books, including the bestseller Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison, the award-winning Sent: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus (cowritten with her husband, Ashley Holleman), and The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility. Heather serves with Faculty Commons in the professor ministry of Cru and blogs at

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